Loan Service Charges

Service Charges for Loans

SR. No. Description of Service Charges Our Present Charges (Exclusive GST) New Service Charges (Excluding GST)
1 Business Loan Application Form Charges.:- Rs.50/- Rs.100/-
1a Business / Housing Loan Application Form Rs.50/- Free
1b CC/OD, Personal Loan & Other Loan Application Form Rs.50/- Rs.100/-
1c Loan / OD Against Deposit / Documents Free Free
1d Share Application Form Free Free
1e Share Entrance Fee As per Bye-Laws : Rs.100/- As per Bye-Laws : Rs.100/- (GST Not Applicable)
1f Nominal Membership Fee As per Bye-Laws : Rs.100/- As per Bye-Laws : Rs.100/- (GST Not Applicable)
2 Loan Processing Charges.:-
2a For Term Loan New or Additional 0.70% of Loan Amount, except in case of Overdraft & Term loan against Own Deposits. Minimum Rs.500/-, Maximum Rs.2,00,000/- 0.70% of Loan Amount, except in case of Overdraft & Term loan against Own Deposits. For Loan against Gold/NSC/LIC, @ 0.50% on Sanctioned Amount. Minimum Rs.500/-
2b Processing Charges for Cash Credit / Overdraft: Fresh or Additional 0.70% of Loan Amount, Minimum Rs.1,000/-, Maximum Rs.2,00,000/- 0.70% of Loan Amount, Minimum Rs.1,000/-, Maximum Rs.2,00,000/-
2c Processing Charges for Renewal of CC / OD 0.20% of Loan Amount, Minimum Rs.1,000/-, Maximum Rs.50,000/- Yearly 0.20% of Loan Amount, Minimum Rs.1,000/-, Maximum Rs.50,000/-
2d For Review of Term Loans (Including Priority Sector) NIL NIL
2e For Ad-hoc / Excess Drawals charges for CC / OD 1.00% Process Fee upfront for AD-Hoc Limit 1.00% Process Fee upfront for AD-Hoc Limit
3a Charges for Amendments of any sanctioned Terms & Revalidation, Restructuring and Rephasement Rs.1,000/- Per Occasion Rs.1,000/- Per Occasion + As per Process Note thereof
3b Reduction in Rate of Interest N.A. 0.25% of Outstanding Amount or Drawing Power, whichever is higher, on each occasion
4 Gold Appraisal Charges Rs.2.00 Per 1,000/- or part thereof Minimum Rs.200/- and @ Rs.3.00 Per Rs.1,000/- or part thereof
5 Insurance Charges (In Gold Loan) Rs.5/- Per Gram on Gross Weight Rs.5/- Per Gram on Gross Weight
6 Equitable Mortgage Charges (To be levied for Original and extension of mortgages) (As per prevailing relevant applicable Stamp Act) (As per prevailing relevant applicable Stamp Act)
7a For all Loan A/c.s & CC A/c.s (new) Actual Stamp Duty + Advocate Fees + Other Charges, if any Actual Stamp Duty + Advocate Fees + Other Charges, if any
7b For Renewal of CC / OD Actual Stamp Duty + Advocate Fees + Other Charges, if any Actual Stamp Duty + Advocate Fees + Other Charges, if any
7c For Additional CC / OD Limit (i.e. Adhoc Limits) Actual Stamp Duty + Advocate Charges, if any Actual Stamp Duty + Advocate Charges, if any
8a Visiting Fee for NEW Loan & CC Borrowers Free Free
8b Inspection Charges per Occasion in respect of Assets Hypothecated / Mortgaged NIL NIL
9a Non-display of Bank's Name Board (Sanction Limit Upto Rs. 5,00,000/-) Rs. 500/- Rs. 500/-
9b Non-display of Bank's Name Board (Sanction Limit Above Rs. 5,00,000/-) Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 1,000/-
10a Penalty for non / late submission of Stock Statement to be recovered on Monthly Basis, till submission of statement Rs.100/- P.M. of Default + 2% interest on Balance amount Rs.100/- P.M. of Default + 2.00% p.a. interest on Balance Amount. To be debited on 10th of next month.
10b EMI Late Payment Charges N.A. i) Upto Rs.25,000/-: Rs.250/-
ii) Rs.25,001/- to Rs.50,000/-: Rs.500/-
iii) Rs.50,001/- to Rs.1,00,000/-: Rs.1,000/-
iv) Above Rs.1,00,001/-: Rs.2,000/-
11 Charges for Non-Renewal of CC / Technical Review 2% over & above contracted rate 3.00% p.a. over & above contracted rate
12 Temporary Overdraft Limit Charges for CC/OD ROI + 2% ROI + 3.00% p.a.
Ad-hoc / Excess Drawals charges for CC/OD ROI + 2% ROI + 3.00% p.a.
(Prior approval from competent Authority is necessary for Temporary Overdraft Limit /Ad-hoc / Excess drawals) (Except Overdraft against Deposit) (Except Overdraft against Deposit)
13 TOD Charges for Current Accounts (Prior Approval from Competent Authority is necessary for granting such TOD) Int. @ 21% p.a. on amount of TOD Int. @ 18.00% p.a. on amount of TOD
14 Half-Yearly Service Charges for OD/CC Based on Sanctioned Amount of CC/OD:
a.Upto Rs.50,000/- : Rs. 35/-
b.Rs. 50,001/- to Rs.1,00,000/-: Rs. 85/-
c.Rs.1,00,001/- to Rs.5,00,000/-: Rs.170/-
d.Above Rs.5,00,000/-: Rs.340/-
Based on Sanctioned Amount of CC/OD:
a.Upto Rs.50,000/- : Rs. 50/-
b.Rs. 50,001/- to Rs.1,00,000/-: Rs.100/-
c.Rs.1,00,001/- to Rs.5,00,000/-: Rs.200/-
d.Above Rs.5,00,000/-: Rs.400/-
15 Commitment Charges: On Unutilized portion of sanctioned working Capital Credit Limits/ Overdraft Limits NIL If Average Unutilised Portion is more than 75% of Sanctioned Amount, then 1.00% p.a. on Unutilsed portion
16a Overdue Interest (Installment Overdue Or Overdue in OD/CC Account) 2.00% p.a. on Overdue Amount 4.00% p.a. on Overdue amount
16b Charges for Non-submission of the required papers, as per Sanctioned Terms & Conditions / Audit queries 2.00% p.a. on Outstanding Amount of Loan/ OD /CC 4.00% p.a. On Outstanding Loan/ODD/CC (After 15 Days of date of Intimation Letter)
17 Discounting of Documentary / Supply Bills and Cheques 0.25% of the amount discounted + Interest applicable @ 21% p.a. 0.25% of the Amount Discounted + Interest applicable @ 18.00% p.a.
18a Cheque / Bills Collection (OBC) Outstation through Our Bank (Inclusive of Postage and Out of Pocket Expenses) 1.Upto & including Rs.5,000/-: Rs.25/-
2. Above Rs.5,000/- and Upto & including Rs.10,000/- : Rs.50/-
3. Above Rs.10,000/- and upto & including Rs.1.00 Lakh : Rs.100/-
4. Above Rs. 1.00 Lakh : Rs.150/-
Same as present charges
18b Service Charges for Cheque collection under Speed Clearing (By Collecting Banks from Customer) 1. Upto and including Rs.1.00 Lakh: NIL
2. Above Rs. 1.00 Lakh: Rs.150/- (From All Customers)
1. Upto and including Rs.1.00 Lakh: NIL
2. Above Rs. 1.00 Lakh: Rs.200/- (From All Customers)
19 Cheque / Bills Collection (IBC) Outstation through Other Bank Rs.5/- Per Thousand, Minimum Rs.20/- + Other Bank's Charges + Postage. Maximum Rs.600/- Rs.10/- Per Thousand, Minimum Rs.40/- + Other Bank's Charges + Postage. Maximum Rs.1,000/-
20 Pre-payment Charges (In case of Project Finance is taken over by other Bank / Institution) 1% on Balance Amt. OR Drawing Power, whichever is higher 1.00% on Balance Amt. OR Drawing Power, whichever is higher
21a 1st Notice Based on Sanctioned Amount: i) Upto Rs.25,000/- Rs.50/- + Actual Postal Charges, ii) Above Rs.25,000/- Rs.100/- + Actual Postage Charges Based on Sanctioned Amount: i) Upto Rs.25,000/- Rs.50/- + Actual Postal Charges, ii) Above Rs.25,000/- Rs.100/- + Actual Postage Charges
21b 2nd Notice Rs.100/- | Rs.100/- Rs.150/- | Rs.250/-
21c Notice for Cases under 101 Rs.100/- | Rs.100/- Rs.250/- | Rs.250/-
21d Notice under Legal Case Actual Advocate Charges Actual Advocate Charges
21e Notice under Court Case (Also to be taken in case of Dishonour of Cheque u/s. 138 of The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881) Actual Advocate's Charges + Postage Actual Advocate's Charges + Postage
22 Visit Charges (Per Visit For Recovery) Minimum Rs.300/- + Actual Charges Minimum Rs.400/- + Actual Charges
23a Charges for acting as a custodian to the vehicles seized by the Bank for recovery in the borrowers account (For 2 Wheeler) Not Applicable Actual Charges to be Taken
23b For 3 Wheeler Not Applicable Actual Charges to be Taken
23c For 4 Wheeler & All Other Vehicles Not Applicable Actual Charges to be Taken
24a Encashment of NSC's / Redemption of Securities Rs. 25/- per visit + Actual Expenses, whichever is higher Rs.100/- per Visit + Actual Expenses, whichever is higher
24b Deliveries of Pledges Not Applicable Not Applicable
24c Gold/ Personal Loan Safe Keeping Charges (To be charged after 30 Days, after the expiry of the prescribed tenure of Gold Loan, Currently 12 Months) N.A. Rs.100/- Per Month or part thereof
24d Ornaments left with the Bank for more than 30 Days, after closure of Gold Loan Account N.A. Rs.100/- Per Month or Part thereof
25 Sale of Lease / Hypothecated security by Auction for Recovery of Loan Amount (Gold, Vehicles, House Appliances, etc.) Nil Nil
26 Sale / Release of Seized / Hypothecated assets (Vehicles / Machinery / Household Appliances) Free Free
27a Safe Keeping of Title Deeds (To be charged after 30 Days, after the expiry of the Prescribed Tenure / Closure of Particular Loan, whichever is earlier) N.A. Rs.300/- Per Month or Part thereof
27b Custody charges of Securities/ Documents/ Title Deeds Mortgaged with Bank & not collected within 30 Days, from closure of Advance N.A. Rs.300/- Per Month or Part thereof
28 No Dues Certificate / NOC / Cheque honoured, Account Maintaining Certificate, etc. Free First Certificate Free, Duplicate or Additional copies, Rs.100/- Per Copy
29 Solvency Certificate Rs.100/- Per Thousand or Part Thereof. Maximum Rs.2,000/- Rs.100/- Per Thousand or Part Thereof. Maximum Rs.5,000/-
30a Bank Guarantee (Only Financial Guarantee): Fully Secured Guarantee (100% Cash Margin) 0.50% p.a. on the amount of guarantee, Minimum Rs.100/- & Maximum Rs.500/-, In case of Other Bank's Guarantee, Their Charges + 0.10% p.a. on the Amount of Guarantee 1.00% p.a. on the amount of guarantee, Minimum Rs.100/-, In case of Other Bank's Guarantee, Their Charges + 1.25% p.a. on the Amount of Guarantee
(Those having collateral security and account is satisfactory, 20% FDRs of Bank Guarantee Amount Required) 1.00% p.a. for Guarantee given on Collateral Security + Rs.100/- Service Charges 2.00% p.a. on the amount of Guarantee, Minimum Rs.500/-, In case of Other Bank's Guarantee, 3.00% p.a. + (Difference of UBI and Our Bank Maximum FDR Rate) p.a., on the amount of Guarantee
30b Partly Secured As per sanctioned terms As per Sanctioned Terms
31A Charges for Opening of LC (Processing Charges) One Time Transaction on Limit Sanctioned For Casual LC: Rs.150/- per lac, Max Rs.3,000/-, Regular LC Limit: Rs.100/- per lac, Max Rs.2,000/- For Casual LC: Rs.250/- per Lakh, Max Rs.5,000/-, Regular LC Limit: Rs.250/- per Lakh, Max Rs.5,000/-
Commitment Charges 0.25% of LC amount p.a. Or part thereof 0.25% of LC Amount p.a.
Commission 0.25% of LC amount p.a. Or part thereof 0.25% of LC Amount p.a.
Postage Rs.100/- per LC Rs.100/- per LC
31B LC Discounting Charges N.A. Rs.500/- per Lakh or Part thereof, Maximum Rs.5,000/-
32a Issue of Passbook/ Continuation of Passbook N.A. Free
32b Issue of Duplicate Pass Book Rs.25/- for 1st Page & Rs.15/- Per Page thereafter Rs.50/- for 1st Page & Rs.25/- Per Page thereafter
32c Issue of Monthly Bank Statement (First Time/Original) Nil Nil
32d Issue of Duplicate Bank Statement Rs.25/- Per Computer Page or Part Thereof Rs.100/- Per Computer Page or Part Thereof
32e Charges for issue of Cheque Book for OD/CC Account Rs.2.50 Per Cheque Rs.3.00 Per Cheque
32fi Inward Clearing Return Charges (Not Applicable in case of Technical Reason) Rs.75/- + Rs.2.25 Per Thousand or Part Thereof Rs.100/- + Rs.2.25 Per Thousand or Part Thereof
32fii Outward Clearing Return Charges (Not Applicable in case of Technical Reason) Rs.75/- Rs.150/-
32fiii Electronic Clearing Debit Return Charges (ECS/NACH Return Charges) (Not applicable in case of technical issues like 'Wrong Encoding') Rs.75/- + Rs.2.25 Per Thousand or Part Thereof Rs.100/- + Rs.2.25 Per Thousand or Part Thereof
32gi Stop Payment Charges Rs.25/- Per Instrument Rs.100/- Per Instrument, Maximum Rs.500/- Per instance
32gii Stop Payment Instruction after Loss of Complete Cheque Book or Range of Cheques Charges (Above 4 Cheques) N.A. Rs.200/- Per instance
32h Cash Deposit Handling Charges for OD/CC Account Upto Rs.2.00 Lakh (Consolidated) OR 1000 notes (Consolidated), per day is Free Upto Rs.2.00 Lakh (Consolidated) OR 1000 notes (Consolidated), per day is Free
Over and above limit for free transactions: Rs.1/- per Thousand or part thereof or Rs.3/- Per Bundle of 100 Notes of each denomination or part thereof, whichever is higher Over and above limit for free transactions: Rs.2/- per Thousand or part thereof or Rs.5/- Per Bundle of 100 Notes of each denomination or part thereof, whichever is higher
1 Stop Payment Instruction after Loss of Complete Cheque Book or Range of Cheques Charges (Above 4 Cheques) N.A. Rs. 200/- Per instance
2 (For CC/OD, Loans & Others such as Pay-Order, At-Par Cheques, Demand-Draft etc.) (Cheque Return Charges to be taken, if cheque presented for payment) (Cheque Return Charges to be taken, if cheque presented for payment)
3 Cash Deposit Handling Charges for OD / CC Account Upto Rs.2.00 Lakh (Consolidated) OR 1000 notes (Consolidated), per day is Free Upto Rs.2.00 Lakh (Consolidated) OR 1000 notes (Consolidated), per day is Free
4 The user is required to debit the same manually on next day morning Rs. 1/- per Thousand or part thereof or Rs.3/- Per Bundle of 100 Notes Rs. 2/- per Thousand or part thereof or Rs.5/- Per Bundle of 100 Notes
5 **To be rounded in nearest rupees For deposit of Rs.100/- * 2350 Notes, Rs.50/- * 260 Notes & Rs.10/- * 335 Notes, Charges to be recovered Rs.105/- Higher denomination notes will be taken into account for calculating first Rs.2.00 Lakh
6 Drawal against Uncleared cheques presented for Clearing (Prior approval from Competent Authority is necessary) (IBP) Not Applicable Not Applicable
7 Balance Certificate Free First Certificate/ Original Free. Duplicate or Additional copies Rs.50/- Per Copy
8 Accrued Interest Certificate (Both Deposit & Loan) Free First Certificate/ Original Free. Duplicate or Additional copies Rs.100/- Per Copy
9 Signature Attestation / Verification/ Confirmation Charges Rs.50/- Per Document Rs.100/- Per Document
10 Photo Attestation Charges Rs.50/- Per Occasion Rs.100/- Per Occasion
11 Address Verification / Confirmation Charges N.A. Rs. 50/- Per Request
12 Changes in Operational Instruction (In all Loans/OD/CC Advances Accounts) Nil Nil
13 Addition/ Deletion of Names in joint Accounts / Nomination N.A. Rs.25/- Per Request, Subject to approval from Sanctioning Authority
14 In case of Death Case N.A. No Charge
15 Allowing Operations through Power of Attorney / Mandate N.A. Yearly Rs.500/- for Individual, Rs. 1,000/- for Non-Individual
16 SMS Alert Charges N.A. Rs.5/- per Month. For Customers who Registered for SMS Services
17 Internet Banking: View Mode only N.A. Free
18 In-Operative/ Dormant Account to Operative NIL as per RBI Circular Dt. 27.02.2015 NIL as per RBI Circular Dt. 27.02.2015
19 Printing & Postage Charges for Notice Sent to Dormant/Inoperative Saving & Current account holders N.A. Printing & Postage Charges at Actual
20 Enquiry relating to old records for item of more than 1 Year Rs.100/- Per Enquiry, Per Occasion, Plus (+) Actual Expenditure Rs.200/- Per Enquiry, Per Occasion, Plus (+) Actual Expenditure
21 ATM Charges: RUPAY ATM CARD ISSUANCE CHARGES (First Time) Free Free
22 ATM Card / KIT returned by Post/Courier due to Wrong Address N.A. Rs. 100/- Per Occasion
23 Debit Card Annual Maintenance Charges (For First Year Free, Applicable from Next Year) N.A. Rs. 125/- Per Year
24 Replacement of Damaged Debit Card N.A. Nil
25 DUPLICATE RUPAY ATM CARD CHARGES / Replacement of Lost Debit Card Rs. 200/- Per Card Rs. 300/- Per Card
26 Duplicate PIN/ Regereration Charges N.A. Rs. 100/- Per Occasion
27 ATM Cash Withdrawal Transactions N.A. N.A.
28 Financial (Cash Withdrawals) / Non-financial (Balance Enquiry, etc.) at ATMs of Other Bank N.A. Rs.25/- Per Transaction. (After 8th Transactions in a Month)
1 ATM Transaction Declined Charges (Only for Insufficient Funds When used at other Bank's ATMs) N.A. N.A.
2 Standing Instruction (SI) for Transfer of funds from one account to another account at:
3 Same Branch - Same person Free Free
4 Same Branch – Other person Free Free
5 Other Branch – Same Person Free Free
6 Other Branch – Other Person Free Free
7 Default for SI for 2 consecutive months for Non-availability of funds & for revival of such instruction Free Free
8 Fund Transfer: RTGS / NEFT:
9 Outward NEFT 1. Upto Rs.1.00 Lakh: Rs.5/-, 2. Rs. 1.00 Lakh and above: Rs.25/- 1. Upto Rs.1.00 Lakh: Rs.5/-, 2. Rs. 1.00 Lakh and above: Rs.25/-
10 Outward RTGS 1. Upto Rs.5.00 Lakh: Rs.25/-, 2. Above Rs. 5.00 Lakh: Rs.50/- 1. Upto Rs.5.00 Lakh: Rs.25/-, 2. Above Rs. 5.00 Lakh: Rs.50/-
11 Inward NEFT & RTGS Free Free
12 Transfer of Account
13 Within Bank: No Charge N.A. Within Bank: No Charge
14 To Other Bank: As applicable for DD/Payorder issuance N.A. As applicable for DD/Payorder issuance
15 Postal Charges
16 Ordinary N.A. Actual expenses (Minimum Rs.20/-)
17 Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier N.A. Actual expenses (Minimum Rs.50/-)
18 Transactions through other Banks:
19 Payment of Income Tax / Service Tax / M-VAT / CST / Professional Tax Per Transaction Rs. 35/- Per Transaction Rs. 50/-
20 Payment of Stamp Duty & Registration Charges Per Transaction Rs. 50/- Per Transaction Rs.100/-
21 Payment of Foreign Remittances Per Transaction Rs.130/- Per Transaction Rs.200/- + Other Bank Charges
34 Charges for withdrawal/operation at ATM location:
a At Bank's Own ATM Free, Any numbers of time. Free, Any numbers of time.
b At other than Bank's own ATM First 5 Transactions in a month Free, thereafter, Rs.20/- Per Financial transaction & Rs. 10/- Per Non-Financial transaction + Applicable Goods & Service Tax at 18%* thereon. First 5 Transactions in a Month Free, thereafter, Rs.20/- Per Financial Transaction & Rs. 10/- Per Non-Financial Transaction + Applicable Goods & Service Tax at 18%* thereon.
35 Service Charges for Exchange of Solid/Imperfect Notes:
i Upto 20 pieces and value upto Rs.5,000/-. N.A. Nil.
ii More than 20 pieces and/or Value more than Rs.5,000/-. N.A. Rs.2/- Per piece on entire tender.
iii Value above Rs.5,000/-. N.A. Rs.2/- Per piece or Rs.5/- per Rs.1,000/-, whichever is higher.
36 Issue of Demand Draft / Pay-Order / Banker's Cheque & Revalidation / Cancellation / Duplicate Payorder / Demand Draft / Bankers' Cheque As per point No. 10 a / 10 b / 10 c / 10 d / 10e respectively of Deposit Section. As per point No. 10 a / 10 b / 10 c / 10 d / 10e respectively of Deposit Section.